Take Jesus Up on His Offer

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ” - Matthew 11:29

You’re probably already familiar with this verse. And you’re also probably familiar with the stress and striving associated with the daily grind of work…however you define work in this season of your life -- working inside the home, outside the home, parenting, volunteering, around the ranch, etc.

Yes, this verse is about REST but it's the kind of rest Jesus offers in the middle of your work.

Oxen don’t get decked out in a yoke to hang out in the pasture. Or to kick back in their stalls munching on some hay. They put on their yoke for work. That’s the only reason to wear it. When the yoke master gets it out, the oxen know it’s game time. (Just like my kids know it's time to head back to school when they see their backpacks by the door.)

So why in the world does Jesus say that the way to find rest – rest for our souls nonetheless – is by putting on an instrument of work?

This is where it comes in handy to know how yokes actually work. And many of us don’t, but the people in Jesus’ time and culture understood. In their neck of the woods, ox-yokes were made of, well, wood. They weren’t one-size-fits all either. The yoke master didn’t head down to the local Tractor Supply and pick one off the shelf. When an ox entered service, he received a yoke custom fit for his shoulders. This prevented chafing…and nobody likes chafing. It hurts. It can lead to bigger problems.

But that’s not all. Farmers yoked an inexperienced ox to a seasoned one. The older ox knows the job inside and out. He leads and teaches the younger one step-by-step what to do and where to go. And by the way, by leading, the older ox also pulls more weight.

The younger ox might fight against the yoke at first. But he learns by submitting to the yoke and the guidance of his mentor, his load is lightened. He receives rest even when the work he faces is hard.

Taking Jesus up on His offer of a custom-fitted yoke leads to rest for our souls. We no longer toil alone. We no longer question where to go or what to do. We trust Him to lead us and carry the heaviest of the burden.

So, as you head back to work, remember to choose to put on the custom-fitted yoke Jesus holds out to you. He won’t force you to wear it. You're free to step into it, or not. And putting it on, doesn’t mean the work you face won’t be hard. I’ve seen (and prayed for) your prayer requests. God is leading so many of you through heartbreaking times. BUT, He knows what you face–and offers you rest for your soul–when you allow yourself to be yoked to Him.

A Practical Way to Put That Into Practice

  1. Pray this: Jesus, help me put on – and keep on – the yoke you’ve made for me today.

  2. When you start to feel yourself straining under the burden of work: Take a deep breath. Then take another one. Look up, just for a second, and remind yourself that you aren’t leading. Jesus is. Stop fighting against the yoke and let Him shoulder the brunt of the burden.

L Rowell